#MineAlert-Africa -
is a
geo-journalism platform documenting biodiversity
posed by mining licences across
African continent
It confronts
official boundaries of mining licences across over 21 African countries against
protected areas, allowing
journalists for a quick verification of any licence holders operations. The data featured covers a snapshot taken in
November 2023.Historical data of ownership information will be progressively added to the
tool and updated in the next
project phases.
This project was initiated by
EIF (Environmental Investigative Forum) and draws from Oxpeckers
Investigative Environmental Journalism’s
#MineAlert tool, a project of
Oxpeckers Investigative
Environmental Journalism, which allows users to track and share mining licences and applications across South Africa.
Terms of service:
#MineAlert-Africa is established as a
public interest
platform destined to investigative
journalists and researchers
worldwide. This platform and website are edited by
EIF (Environmental Investigative Forum), a global consortium of
environmental investigative journalists aiming to foster new tools, methodologies and partnership models to enhance
cross-regional collaboration around environmental investigative journalism.
By using this website you agree:
- To duly credit EIF and its platform when using the information featured on this platform
as such “Mine Alert!-
Africa, a platform developed by the global journalism consortium EIF (Environmental Investigative Forum)”
- To restrict from using any automated tool or script in order to acquire the data featured
on this platform for
lucrative and non-lucrative use
That the data featured on this website may have changed since the latest available update
featured and that EIF shall
not be held responsible for any misquote and misuse of the data
Data sources & Copyright:
Data and content featured on this website are
published as a geo-journalism work aiming at
public interest and are
purely non-lucrative. EIF isn’t a custodian of any mining data featured on this platform, relevant public authorities of
each country featured in this tool are.
Mining geo-data featured in this platform are republished under
“fair use” US
doctrine applicable as per the
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic
Works. Geo-data used for the
“protected areas” layer featured in the tool comes from the World Database of Protected Areas
Project team
- Jack Wolf (Project Manager)
- Pere Roca Ristol (Project developer)
- Robin Taylor (Project support)
- Alix Smidman (Project Communication)
- Alexandre Brutelle (Project Coordinator)
MineAlert - Africa was supported by the
Journalismfund Europe’s
Earth Grant Program for
"Enabling Environmental